Samsung Push Service - what is this? - Android Forums at I got a notification today for "Samsung Push Service" - "New version available. Install now" Anyone know what this is? Thanks, ... Hey, it's all good... just trying to help, and nope, I don't feel offended by your (rather harsh) remark. Just to be fair, y
Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging GCM - Android Example In this example implementing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for android. Using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) sending push notification from web server to registered android devices. Using php as server side language and mysql as database.....
Google Cloud Messaging GCM for Android and Push Notifications - Java Tutorial Google cloud messaging (GCM) is an Android platform API provided by Google for sending and receiving push notifications to and from an Android application. This is one of the most important arsenal in an Android developer’s armory. Let us consider an emai
Push Notifications in Android Platform - Stack Overflow Hi Dale, I read your blog post about MQTT and it definitely seems to fit the bill for almost instant notification on mobiles. But I haven't been able to find any information about how it actually does it. Does it keep a socket open at all times? How does
Sarina DuPont, Product Manager RAD Studio » Remote push notifications on Android with RAD Studio XE6 35 Responses to “Remote push notifications on Android with RAD Studio XE6” Asaf Says: April 17th, 2014 at 5:46 am Hi, If I have for example 1000 registered devices that I want to send push notifications to them how can I do that from my server and from Ki
Android Push Notifications with PhoneGap | Adobe Developer Connection My last article covered push notifications with PhoneGap on Apple devices. In this article, I cover push notifications with PhoneGap on Android for those developing for this platform. I found that I was able to get my notifications working much faster on
Simple Google Android C2DM Tutorial (Push Notifications for Android) | Rain Blog Brilliant article ! I am doing a project on android connected app engine..and I am stuck at the database connectivity part..i am trying to use datastore to store my database..i know how to store and retrieve information on datastore but i dont know where
Maxkit: push notification - android client 以GCM 實現(二) 2014年4月2日 - 下面就來介紹一下Android 如何透過GCM 讓server 將訊息傳送給client ※ GCM 註冊流程請參考上篇 push notification - android client 以GCM ...
Android Push Notification推播機制(5)-Attenuation - 小鰻的 ... 2012年2月13日 - 以下內容由Google I/O 2010 - Building push applications for Android ... 因為之前已發送數次訊息給C2DM了,Attenuation機制在此時發生了作用。
Get started with push notifications (Android JavaScript ... 2015年2月3日 - Learn how to use Azure Mobile Services to send push notifications to your Android JavaScript app.